Automated production systems operate in the factory on the physical product. They perform tasks such as machining, assembly, inspection or material handling, in some cases performing more than one of these tasks on the same system with Power Automate.
They are called automated because they perform their functions with a reduced level of human involvement compared to the corresponding manual process. In some highly automated systems, there is almost no human involvement.
Companies take on projects in the area of manufacturing automation and integrated computer manufacturing for a number of good reasons. Some of the reasons used to justify automation are listed below. Of course, there are many other reasons, so feel free to add your reasons below in the comment box.
Also, I have put some interesting videos with the latest news in the automation of production processes at the bottom of this article. Enjoy!
Automation of a manufacturing process usually increases production rate and labor productivity . This means more output per hour of work input.
Rising labor costs have been and continue to be the trend in the world's industrial societies. Consequently, higher investments in automation have become economically justified to replace manual operations.
There is a general labor shortage in some countries, which has stimulated the development of automated operations as a substitute for labor.
An argument can be made that there is social value in automating operations that are routine, boring, tedious and possibly annoying. The automation of these tasks serves the purpose of improving the general level of working conditions .
Smart Food Factory Automation (photo credit:
By automating a given action and moving the worker from active participation in the process to a supervisory role, work becomes safer . The safety and physical well-being of the worker has become a national goal with the implementation of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) in 1970. This gave impetus to automation.
Automation does not result in higher production rates than manual operations. It also makes the manufacturing process more uniform and conforms to quality specifications. Reducing the defective fraction rate is one of the main benefits of automation.
Automation helps to reduce the time elapsed between customer order and product delivery, providing a competitive advantage to the manufacturer for future orders. By reducing the manufacturer's lead time, the manufacturer also reduces work-in-process inventory.
Some operations cannot be completed without the help of a machine . These processes have requirements for precision, miniaturization, or geometry complexity that cannot be achieved by hand.
Examples include some integrated circuit manufacturing processes, rapid prototyping processes based on computer graphics (CAD) models, and the machining of complex mathematically defined surfaces using computer numerical control. These processes can only be implemented with computer controlled systems.
There is a significant competitive advantage in automating a production unit . Advantage cannot be easily demonstrated on a company's project permit form.
The benefits of automation often appear in unpredictable and intangible ways, such as improved quality , higher sales , better working relationships , and a better company image . Companies that don't automate are likely to find themselves at a competitive disadvantage with their customers, employees, and the public at large.